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Showing posts with the label Walt Disney

A Magic Kingdom - Walt Disney

The Magic Kingdom I don't know if you'll believe I met a Princess today And was greeted in her castle In a most royal way Yes I met a real Princess Who stooped to welcome me And inside her royal castle I met another three There were towers that had banners Stained glass windows in the wall And the sparkling lights of magic In the royal banquet hall A fairy flew from somewhere And she waved her magic wand Then she blessed me with a smile That became our special bond My greatest wish was granted And a star thats only mine In that land of deep enchantment Where the brightest wonders shine I became a royal princess At that magic coronation And was gifted with enchantment In a regal celebration For a princess is a princess When she is one in her heart When becoming a true princess Inner beauty's where you start I can take you to my castle In a land of mystery If you have the childlike virtue Of believing what you see If you know that there is wond...