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Showing posts from June, 2020

26 Most Powerful and Inspiring Quotes That Will Never Let You Down

26 Most Powerful And Inspiring Quotes That Will Never Let You Down   Role of Quotes in Motivation : Quotes have a very important role in the field of motivation. Quotes bring out the ideas, it lightens the notion of the speaker and tells us the direct information about the quoted words. Quotes nowadays became an effective way to express thoughts, ideas, concepts and one's impression of mind. Quotes offer a great impact on philosophical readers, provides information and alter their routine to a great extent if taken as an inspiration. Quotes are also known as a literary device, which often expressed as a statement, point of view's or the mind's eye of someone. The variety of quotes provides a variety of information, massage and inspirations. Quotes by great leaders, scientists, billionaire, teachers and great persons give us the lessons of life and prepare us to face problems of life and enable us to live a peaceful life. Quotes have tons of applications, and anyone cannot m...

Childhood-Marcus Natten Full Poem with Summary

Childhood:- When did my childhood go? Was it the day I ceased to be eleven. Was it the time I realised that Hell And Heaven Could not be found in Geography, And therefore could not be, was that the day! When did my childhood go? Was it the time I realised that adults were not All they seemed to be, They talked of love and preached of love, But did not act so lovingly, Was that the day! When did my childhood go? Was it when I found my mind was really mine, To use whichever way I choose, producing thoughts that were not those of other people But my own and mine alone Was that the day! Where did my childhood go? It went to some forgotten  place, That is hidden in an infant's face, That's all I know. -Marcus Natten Theme: The central theme of the poem ' Childhood ' is that the poet is identifying his lost childhood. He wonders when he lost his childhood. He is also missing the innocence of his childhood. The Poet is trying to find when and where he lost his childhood, which...

Big Egos have little ears-ego quotes

Big Egos Have Small Ears Links You May like:  Quotes: Robert Forst Poems: Walt Whitman Poems:

Why William Blake called Naturalistic kind of Poetry?

William Blake is known for its  Romantic  and  visionary Poetries . Many of their contemporary considered him mad because of his peculiar views. It was their misfortunate that his work did not get fame in his lifetime. In his poems, Willliam Blake used to write about nature, supernatural things, picture women and children in the poems, express emotions, and visualize their imagination. William Blake was somewhat different from other poets of the  Romantic Era . He thought of nature as a world of imagination. In his famous collection of poems ,  "Songs of Innocence and Experience" , he creates a panorama of human behaviour and the natural world. Also, In his famous poem  "The School Boy" , he looks into the natural effect on the young boy. Besides these two poems, William Blake has written many poems in which he depicted the effect, influence, beauty and harmony of nature. While many poets used to worship nature in their poems, Blake did not believe in the w...

7 Powerful Inspiring Quotes By- Dr.B.R.Ambedkar That Everyone Should Read

Here are some powerful and inspiring quotes of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar which will teach you the values of life and will help you in finding your aim: 1. Life should be greater rather than Long. 2. I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved. 3. They cannot make history who forgets History. 4. A great man is different from an eminent one in that he is ready to be the servant of society. 5. I Like the religion that teaches liberty, equality, and fraternity. 6. Cultivation of mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence. 7. If you believe in living a respectable life, you believe in self-help which is the best help. More Links: Quotes: Life Lessons: Poetry:

Three Questions-Leo Tolstoy (Full Story)

Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy :-  Long long ago there lived a very brave and kind King. He wanted to serve his people well. Once A Thought came to the mind of the king. He thought he would never fail if he knew three things, those three things were: 1. What is the right time to begin something? 2. Which people should he listen to? 3. What is the most important thing for him to do?  The king, therefore, send messengers throughout his Kingdom promising  a large sum of money to anyone who would answer these three questions. Many learned came to the king but all with different answers. In reply to the first question, Some Said- the king must prepare a timetable and follow it strictly. Others said -it was impossible to decide in advance the right time for doing something. Yet others said that the king needed a council of the wise men who would help him act at the proper time. Some Others said- only magicians could look into the future and tell the right time for action....

Life Quotes

Success Is How High You Bounce When You Hit Bottom.  Links You May Like: Quotes : Life Lessons : Robert Frost Poetry:

Life Quotes - Honesty Quotes

Honesty Is The Best Policy,With a little bit of Common Sense More Links:  Quotes : Life Lessons: Poetry:

Life Struggle Quotes

Hope For The Best And Prepare For The Worst Links You May Like:  Life Lessons: Quotes: